PUBLICATIONS Our peer-reviewed publications may be found on Google Scholar and ResearchGate. David N. Ku – Google Scholar Profile David N. Ku – ResearchGate Publication List Representative Publications: Ku, D.N., 1997. Blood flow in arteries. Annual review of fluid mechanics, 29(1), pp.399-434. Ku, D.N., Giddens, D.P., Zarins, C.K. and Glagov, S., 1985. Pulsatile flow and atherosclerosis in the human carotid bifurcation. Positive correlation between plaque location and low oscillating shear stress. Arteriosclerosis: An Official Journal of the American Heart Association, Inc., 5(3), pp.293-302. Wootton, D.M. and Ku, D.N., 1999. Fluid mechanics of vascular systems, diseases, and thrombosis. Annual review of biomedical engineering, 1(1), pp.299-329. Stammen, J.A., Williams, S., Ku, D.N. and Guldberg, R.E., 2001. Mechanical properties of a novel PVA hydrogel in shear and unconfined compression. Biomaterials, 22(8), pp.799-806. Bark Jr, D.L. and Ku, D.N., 2010. Wall shear over high degree stenoses pertinent to atherothrombosis. Journal of biomechanics, 43(15), pp.2970-2977. Casa, L.D., Deaton, D.H. and Ku, D.N., 2015. Role of high shear rate in thrombosis. Journal of vascular surgery, 61(4), pp.1068-1080.